Monday, November 26, 2007

We are thankful for...

Family, Friends, and other people's kids:)
It was a long drive to Iowa (without any crazy weather-thankfully), but it was well worth it. We got to hang out with family, friends, and have some awesome Iowa food:)
John got to meet Caleb for the first time, and had a lot of fun with him.

He even tried to teach him to play the xylophone.

Caleb was busy eating or being tired a lot, but he was really happy in the morning, or when he was by Grandpa or Grandma:)

We also visited some of my close friends. I got to see Sarah and Dan's baby Rebecca for the first time. (but she was sleeping when we took this picture)

On Saturday we got to visit Sharla, Andy and Aiden. Sharla's kitchen has awesome bright colors!

Aiden was a little shy at first, but after a while he really warmed up to John, and was giggling like crazy. I didn't capture the funniest moments, but here they are having fun doing "super baby".

Thank you to Mom and Dad for the fun shopping trips (even at 6am), the tours of the town, the awesome food (especially the leftovers), and the good times hanging out.


Lori said...

Yay! It was so fun to see you guys again!
What the heck was I saying in that first video??

Chad said...

I totally have food stuck in my teeth! nice...